Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The trip is drawing to a close - and it does feel like we've been gone for ages now - I guess with three parts to the holiday and so many different activities.  My first international training seminar went very well, despite last minute changes to venues etc and the need to race around London on Monday morning, collecting workbooks from printers and getting organised in a foreign city.  The participants were great and they felt quite sure I would be back for the next big speaking event in September.

Our B&B is in Hampstead, just a short walk from Hampstead Heath, famous for famous people living nearby (Gwenyth Paltrow to name just one) and for the film Notting Hill starring Julie Roberts being filmed here.  It's a well to do suburb with a village feel which makes a nice change.  Manny and co spent a day wandering the shops which they very much enjoyed.  Last night we had a wonderful dinner in the B&B restaurant - actually, it's more of a restaurant with a B&B attached, than a B&B.  The food is French/Italian and the owners are Italian/Cypriot.  Between us we had delicious deep fried white bait, salmon, calves liver, calamari, and fish - everyone left feeling rather full and very happy.

Today was the big tour of London with our Bartercard driver Ron.  We set off in search of jellied eel for Bapou but had no luck.  We went to Petty Coat Lane markets in the east end which is renowned for the dish, but we were there too early.  We then had a coffee at St Catherine's dock before returning to the B&B to drop off Yia Yia, Bapou (who weren't keen on the extended tour) and Sophia who was due for a sleep.  Then Manny, Cassie and I did a tour of the main sights - Queen's Life Guard horses, Buckingham Palace (for that royal kiss and close encounter with a bizarre arnie lookalike), Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London eye and Harrods. 

The London Eye (giant ferris wheel) was amazing - not at all scary with amazing 360 views over London.

At Harrods, Manny fulfilled his goal of champagne and Oysters at the food court, and we bought some goodies to take home.  Incredible place now - I don't remember the food court being like that 15 years ago!!

Tomorrow is the fine day of our big adventure.  We'll spend it nearby - possibly a walk on the heath, a trip to Camden markets (not so far away) and maybe even lunch at Carluccio's restaurant which is a 10 min walk away.  Carluccio is an Italian TV chef we've long admired and just happened upon his restaurant today so you just never know.  The question is - can we fit in one more big amazing meal before we leave??  The no-carb diet will be in full swing when we return that is for sure! We depart from the hotel at 8am on Friday morning - the start of our epic return journey - and look forward to seeing you all very soon xxxx

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