Friday, April 29, 2011

Long and Glorious Days In Kritsa

We are loving our time in Kritsa - we have fallen into a routine of joining Yia Yia and Bapou just after breakfast, then a trip into Agios Nikolaus for shopping and coffee, back to Kritsa for afternoon sleeps and dinner at a local taverna.

Bapou has solved many riddles about his family, by stopping to speak to locals and asking questions.  He and Yia Yia found Maria Papadoulis, a lady they met when they were last here in 1987. They produced a photo of her taken in her 20s - she looked shocked until she realised who they were. Then we were invited inside her house to look at old photos - a lovely warm woman - and it made Yia Yia's day to have found her.

We've enjoyed delicious meals here - never anything fancy but always wholesome and delicious. Lots of horta (wild greens) cooked with olive oil and lemon, boiled eggs, the local dried bread with oil, tomatoes and feta cheese, greek salads, snails (manny and yia yia only), souvlaki meats, tzazkiki, crusty bread, wild cured olives, dolmades (stuffed vine leaves), and fava beans. 

Manny and I saw 8 houses for sale yesterday on our rather arduous walk up and down the village - everything from broken down farm yards complete with goats and donkey stables, to stunning bouganvillea terraced homes with three or four bedrooms.  We've can't decide between two - one a very traditional house with original hand painted green tiles and a small terrace, and another with stunning terrace views from the roof top down through the valley to Agioa Nikolaus and the ocean below. We're taking Yia Yia and Bapou for a second look in an  hour or so.  Not that we'll buy anything this trip, but it seems a real possibility that we will dream about more at home.

Off to look at homes now - miss you all!


1 comment:

  1. It's sounding better every day! You sound like you are in your element Sue. Please, please, please buy a house so we can come and visit you one day. We now have Zoe and Simon living in Geneva now so we could do a lovely European trip...Love to you all. Tricia
