Saturday, April 23, 2011

Holy Communion

This morning we woke at 8am, dashed around getting ready, woke the girls (who were still both asleep), got dressed and headed out the door by 8.30am for a walk to church for annual sacrement of holy communion.

Bapou was ushered to the front with the older men while Yia Yia took Cassie to the chairs at the  back. The church was full and the floor covered with bay leaves in honour of the day, which Sophia delighted in collecting (thank goodness it kept her occupied).  We lined up for communion – Manny and I prodded towards the front by the local women because we were holding the girls. After a moment of anxiety when Sophia started to cry for me, all was well and both girls took communion well, as we all did.  It was a wonderful feeling to have taken part in such an important sacrament in a small church near where the Papadoulis family originated.  Afterwards we collected the car and drove to another village for coffee, stopping off to watch the men argue over the lamb in the local butcher (everywhere there is hustle and bustle over easter preparations), buy a plate of baklava and locally baked serefi (a Greek sweet bread with a red egg in the centre) to take to Nicko’s place tomorrow.  We are all invited to Yianni's son's place to celebrate easter sunday. 

The bakery owner gave us three freshly baked sweets for free (not sure what they were called but a delicious vanilla custard in the centre and pastry) as they had just come out the oven.  We ate them with coffee and tea at the local taverna, joining the local men who sat outside smoking and gossiping.  We then went for a drive along the coast to Malia, and returned to Sunrise Apartments to find Yianni and Arris doing maintenance work and our apartment being cleaned.  It was a beautifully warm late morning so we sat in the sunshine on the grass with Yianni, Maria, Sophia and little Maria talking, and laughing.  It was one of those special moments where everything seemed simple, happy and relaxed.

Tonight is the midnight church service which Manny and I are going to.  We’re then coming back to drop me off (to stay with the girls) and collect Yia Yia and Bapou for the traditional breaking of the feast meal at Yianni’s place.  Maria is cooking a speciality for Bapou – Maritsa which is some kind of offal dish (mmm) and no doubt it will continue into the early hours.  Tomorrow we celebrate easter at Nicko’s place from 9am until 9pm so a big day!
I’ve taken plenty of photos will upload those soon.
Miss you all
Sue xx

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